Building construction materials (order)


Building construction materials need to maintain durability against external physical influences, as buildings are exposed to a variety of weather conditions over long periods of time.
The building materials need to maintain durability against external physical influences.
Therefore, higher weather resistance and hardness (scratch resistance) are generally required compared to residential building materials.
(scratch resistance) are generally required compared to residential building materials.


Construction ー Curtain wall materials, louver materials, building exterior panels, ceiling panels, cast materials, etc.

Required Performance

Specifications recommended by NACL
High weather resistance Sumitone, super anodizing, alumite (20 μm or more), coating (fluorine paint), A1-9+12 Matte Electrodeposition coating
Hardness (scratch resistance) Sumitone, Super Anodizing
Design characteristic Secondary electrolytic coloring, electropolishing treatment, matting treatment

Processing specifications frequently inquired about